Convert Geo Targeter Review + 3 Bonus to HELP you get Started

As you may know, Covert Messenger was the result of researching the dating niche… Copying and perfecting one of their most effective ad formats and bringing it to our side of the internet.
But while researching and developing that, we came across another interesting thing in the dating niche.
If you have ever visited a website that promotes dating offers, you will have noticed a common thread among all of them
They are all using Geo-Targeting – meaning you see your own City, State & Country in their ads.
Isn’t it funny how all those attractive single men and women in their promo material all happen to live in the same city as you? Even if you’re in the sticks with 100 miles to your nearest neighbor LOL
It’s obviously fake – and you’d think it wouldn’t work for them.
But one thing we’ve learned from spying on these guys… They don’t do anything by accident!
We have done some dating promotions in the past, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that using Geo-Targeting in your ads increases the response rates at least 3x
And when a billion-dollar online industry does something (and keeps doing it) – we sit up straight and start listening!
Now this, of course, left one question…
If an advertising strategy works this well in one niche – why aren’t people using it in all other niches?
Is it because it only works in dating?
To test that, we started using geo-targeting on a ton of our blogs – using our visitor’s city, state, and country in our blog posts, titles, and ads.
And we did this in all sorts of niches from “internet marketing” to Amazon sites selling engagement rings. The results were very conclusive…
Geo Targeting works very well in all niches – and without any exceptions, all the blogs we used it on had a significant increase in response rates!
There are a whole host of reasons why this works as well as it does – here’s just a few of them.
When a visitor comes to your blog and sees, for example, their own City in your titles, posts, ads, etc.
It makes you stand out from the crowd and they are much more likely to pay attention to what you have to say
You also instantly become much more relevant to them and they will tend to trust you more … In their eyes it looks like you built a blog specifically for people in their area – you could be the nice guy living next door.
And consider the psychology-driven conversion boost when you use their city in your “calls to action” and links ie. 50% Discounts For All Customers In [City] – Today Only! = This baby is pure gold!
Bottomline – Geo Targeting works really well

And the problem is that geo-targeting is bloody hard to do – and it’s a very computer-intensive process.
Yep there are a few good solutions out there, but they a VERY expensive and only really meant for the big corporations
We scoured the net and also past WSOs to see if anyone had come up with a solution and found nothing…
There was a WSO earlier this year that would let you use geo-targeting – but only in a popup – and very crudely done
We wanted to create something that was super simple to use and very affordable with zero ongoing cost.
Yet still flexible enough to allow you to insert geolocation tags ANYWHERE on your blog